Building Anduril with Docker

That’s strange because it’s just a GUI for avrdude.

I tried the new image and I still get no such file or directory:

Put the absolute path to your anduril forlder instead of “%cd”

For example : Building Anduril with Docker - #62 by thefreeman

1 Thank

I know I tried that, but that was probably before I downloaded the Debian image.
I got frustrated and shut my laptop off.
I’ll try that when I get another chance.

Note: I can compile using the 12/2023 files without issue.

Outside of your world not everyone uses Windows. Linux is freely available to anyone, Windows is not.

Now, with my 12/2023 folder I can compile some.
But it still won’t compile with 4/2024 folder.

I installed the DFP and now I can Compile all the firmware in the 12/2023 folder.

I still get no such file when trying to compile with the 4/20/2024 folder.

I re-downloaded the Anduril .zip from Github and now I can compile everything but the D3AA.

1 Thank

Try using :debian instead of :latest. There’s a big refactor I’ve been putting off with a newer build toolchain for avr32dd20 and that tag has it.