Got all of these but one from a neighbor down the road having a garage sale on Wednesday. Don’t know where he got them or what he even paid for them. I know what I paid him for it and it wasn’t much. Anyone want or need some or all of them. They are all brand new and each one has it’s own box and the fixed blades have sheath’s and boxes. I don’t really need the money, I love a good trade. A light, knife, or any other EDC item you want to get rid of. If you need a better picture of a particular knife or two just let me know and I can snap a few.
Sorry, head up butt syndrome tonight.

I don't see photos either but since the knives are brand new, I can make my decision based on what knives you have to trade/sell.
If you could list what you have, that would be great.
If you have something that I want I could pay via Paypal, or maybe we could work out a trade with some of my knives for sale. 
EDIT: I see your photos now!
I don't see anything that interests me...
Good luck with the sale/trade. 
Okay, should be a picture there now. Like I said, don’t know where he got them and don’t really know much about them to tell you the truth. I looked a few of them up and most of them seem to be in the high teens to mid twenty dollars knives. I’m sure they aren’t anything special. Might be good for gifts or tacklebox and range bag type knives.
By the way, the blue and black knife is a Wartech Avenger.
I couldn't find any reviews, but here's a retail link:
I see. I figured they weren’t anything real special. I kinda liked the 4 Colt knives. I just picked them up for trading material or giveaways to friends and family. Figured I would check on here for any interest. I ordered my first Ganzo and Harnds blades this evening to check them out. Never had any of those. They look fairly nice and the prices are right.