flat top? button top? need high capacity?
Which C8? Need more information!
Convoy C8 will work with flat-tops, and it never hurts to have a higher-capacity cell. The price difference between a good cell and a marginal one is less than the cost of one bottle of your favorite beverage so why not go that route? Plus if you get a light later on which really needs that kind of cell you’ll already have it
lghg4 great cell or sanyo ga
I use flat tops only and they all fit inside my Convoy C8 or Thorfire C8s. Mostly 25R or 30Q.
new clear convoy c8 with a hi led.
LG MJ1 3500mah or Samsung 30Q 3000mAh 5 bucks.
Both are great and cheap.
I use samsung button tops (30Q) on my new convoy C8, works like a charm
If you aren’t intending on modding and don’t need protected then I’d go for a 3500mAh Sanyo/Panasonic GA. If you intend on modding to get max amps then go for a Samsung 30Q (flat or button top). If you want a protected cell when choose carefully as some fatter protected cells have issues fitting in some Convoy models.