I would like to know who to go about finding/building a single 18650 thrower, not looking for an aspherical light. If something exist that fits my need please let me know, and since I don’t believe there is anything like that stock what would you recommend as my best path to building one, what host (preferably with a grip ring) driver, emitter etc would be best. Doesn’t have to be too budget orientated, would be willing to spend $100-150 for the right light.
If all you want is lux you can do that with a Jacobs A60 by de-doming a XP-G2 and going direct drive with it. It will need to be on a sinkpad to handle the heat. I don’t care for this myself as the beam is tiny.
You will need at least the C8 size for 100klux throw. But a stock light that size will not do 100k. So you will have to find someone to make it for you (like: dedomed xpg2-led, 3+amp driver). The parts will not be all that expensive but to get it reliable it must be build well.
Yes, the main thing for pure throw is the optic size. I got terrific throw from a little under-driven XM-L zoomy by taking the head off and replacing it with a 13 cm. Fresnel lens with a focal length less than half he diameter. The result is flimsy lopsided has a very small spot, has orange and blue around the edges of the spot, no longer zooms and has no useful spill, but the throw is terrific. I don’t use a thrower much, and I can get it out when I do want one.