Can data and text be duplicated on another sheet in Excel?

I’m working on a spreadsheet with various numbers and descriptions, i want to have a combined list of everything then on another sheet be able to group them by category, and if i make a change on the first sheet it automatically updates on the second. Is there a way to do this?

Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish, nor which version of Excel, but you can try drawing a box around the cells you want, selecting them; then Right-Click~~Copy to get them in the clipboard. Next, go to the new sheet, left-click on the cell you want as the Upper-Left corner, Right-Click~~>Paste Special… and look for a button labeled “Paste Link”.

I think that will give you “whatever is displayed in the first cell” copied to the second (e.g. “=A1”), and if you change the first, the second automatically shows the change. Obviously you wouldn’t want the formula in the second cell, but if you did, just Copy it from the Formula bar…

LMK if that helps.

Or you could, you-know, ask more questions to get a better overall answer…


I can almost certainly accomplish whatever you’re trying to do… I am rather good with Excel. I’m not super clear on what you’re looking for though. There are a bunch of formulas and things that work in any of the last 5 or 6 versions of Excel that are related to various ways of moving, condensing and sorting information.

Simplest answer is what Dimbo mentioned — linking the cells. So if you wanted to link a cell over from Sheet1 into Sheet2 the formula in the linked cell in Sheet2 would read “=Sheet1!A1” (everything inside the quotes is what would be in the formula bar). To do this most simply, you can copy the cell you want as the source and then select “Paste Link” from the drop down arrow under “Paste” (icon under Home tab in Excel 2010, or after pasting an icon will appear to the bottom right in the last several versions, or you can hunt down the “Paste Special” icon/menu option in whatever version you’re using).

This can also be done from one file to another separate file. For instance, if you wanted a cell in File1.xlsx to be linked into a cell in File2.xlsx the formula would be “=[File1.xlsx]Sheet1!A1” (that’d be in the Excel2010 and if the two files are in the same directory… might be something like =’C:/…/File1.xlsx’Sheet1!A1 in older versions. Can’t remember.). As long as there are no $ on the A or 1 in the cell reference, you can either grab the bottom right corner of the cell in the destination sheet and drag down to transcribe the formula for the rest of the list of data, or you can copy and paste.

Or if you have something more complicated in mind, =vlookup and =concatenate are pretty useful functions.

If this is overwhelming, I’d be happy to work on it for you. I enjoy working with excel. Just PM me.

PM incoming :slight_smile:

If you want to categorize the lists of data such as total, sort, etc., you are talking about a pivot table. The data is listed on one sheet and the analytics will be shown on another sheet. You can change the sort routines and categories at any time. The summary will be updated as you update your data.

Have you heard of this forum:

? They seem helpful…