I would like to change the LED in this headlamp to an UV LED. The current output match the UV Led I have (2800mA) and it is also 10w. But if it is too difficult or impossible to change the led, I will not buy it.
Kind regards
Michael Larsen, Denmark
I’ve had a couple similarly shaped lights that were easy to get into. A retaining ring holds down the pill that the LED is on.
Keep in mind, if the zoom lens is acrylic, it will filter out all of the best parts of the UV output from your emitter. Somebody (I think djozz, but I can’t find the thread) did a test of the UV throughput of different material lenses, and the plastic used in the typical zoomie lens blocks any of the useful UV.
Thanks a lot :+1:
Kind regards
Michael L, Denmark
Thanks a lot :+1:
Kind regards
Michael L, Denmark