Need the driver with nichia emitter for a swap, would like to get 2.
How did these things sell out everywhere? Someone at DHGate has them, but won’t accept PayPal, and my bank will flag and decline any sale from China. Someone at NewEgg selling XP-G3 version, but sale is fishy, a dozen or so identical sales with different sellers that are actually all the same seller, and no way to choose color. Want nichia anyway.
There are a few IYP365’s on Ebay. Don’t know if that is the same driver you are looking for. I remember when Amazon was just about giving away the 07’s. Now they look extinct. I have a few IYP25’s but, I suspect that won’t help you much.
Tool has a nice constant current driver, but it isn’t current regulated, which means that the brightness will dim as the cell voltage drops.
The original Ti3 was petty nice, but the V2 kind of sucks. Once the original Ti3 emitter was swapped and copper bonded, the mode sequence would go back and forth between firefly and low, almost like it was a 2 mode driver, which is very cool. Getting to the high mode required rapidly switching on and off, but the mode memory was temporary. V2 is kind of crappy, they added a mode memory that always advances the mode, so if you turn it off in firefly, the next time you turn it on, its in low, turn off in low, next time it is high. It has been described as the “never what you want interface.” Though the original is one of my favorite drivers, incredibly efficient and constant current, just the right mode levels, it also is not current regulated for constant brightness.
The reason I want to swap the IYP07 driver into another host is because of the regulation for constant brightness, even if the mode sequence HML is not ideal, it has permanent mode memory which helps to mitigate that.
It is the same driver, but it is 3V not 1.5V. Pretty sure the IYP25 has the same driver as the IYP365, but brighter. I want to swap the IYP07 driver into a single AA light, so the 3V is not an option.
I am willing to bet that some BLF members have purchased the IYP07 and aren’t happy with it… the switch is a little wonky, has too much travel, advancing modes doesn’t have enough travel, and though the tail cap it is flat, it won’t securely tail stand. Otherwise, it is a neat little host.
> Tool has a nice constant current driver, but it isn’t current regulated, which means that the brightness will dim as the cell voltage drops.
alternative facts, the Tool has regulated output on all modes.
> V2 is kind of crappy, they added a mode memory that always advances the mode, so if you turn it off in firefly, the next time you turn it on, its in low, turn off in low
I have alternative facts, first I acknowledge that there was a batch of lights w next mode memory.
I contacted Thrunite about that a few days ago, they assured me that the Ti3 lights for sale now, do not have NMM. Not sure its true, but that was the conversation
> It is the same driver, but it is 3V not 1.5V.
question, is it possible that:
Its the same driver, but produces different outputs when powered by 2 cells?
Just for experimental purposes I took the head off of the IYP25 and put it on a Ultratac A1 with a single NiMh cell. Works beautifully. Looks to be about 5 or so lumens on low, working up to maybe 200 lumens on high. Though mode 3 and 4 look exactly the same. I don’t have any proper measuring equipment.
Not sure if that is helpful or not for your project.
According to the runtime test at 1Lumen, your alternative facts are in error… both runtime tests clearly show the (AA) Tool V2 driver could not possibly be regulated for constant brightness (and I will assume the runtime tests of AAA Tools (V1 & V2) will also show dimming in the output profile)
The output is probably riding the 3.6V of the Li-ion cell, looks a little like current regulation but this is what we call “battery regulation.” It is even more pronounced with Eneloop riding 1.2V, but true current regulation will be completely flat until the cell can’t hold the brightness, then it steps down rapidly or shuts off.
zeroair review of AA Tool 2.0 with Eneloop looks a lot like regulation with the driver noise, but you can see it steadily slightly dims over time, and that is just how Eneloop are
Easier to see the absence of current regulation with the Li-ion runtime test
I was unaware there were distinction between batches, but the two I have here (which I ordered believing they were the original Ti3, but are V2) both annoyingly have NMM.
I seriously doubt it, but the way to check is for someone with an IYP365 to try it with one 1.5V cell and dummy dell rather than testing the IYP05 with 3V. The IYP25 has a turbo mode and strobe, so the modes are different than IYP365 and IYP25. On more reflection… this is not possible, because the drivers are regulated, so no matter how much current they receive they will output the modes at the brightnesses they were programmed to output. When I stated the drivers were all the same, that is not strictly true… they would all be very similar except for the mode levels and the voltage, but would not be interchangeable across voltages. I suppose it is still possible, but it would require more complexity and more memory. Not much room for that much memory on such a small driver. So, I’d say very unlikely. Worth checking tho, if anyone has the two cell version and the right sized dummy cell.
No problemo, but my assumptions were that the reviews and my first hand experiences were accurate.
Not all that much, no, but it is interesting. The mode outputs should be all the same since the modes are regulated, except maybe the Turbo mode might be brighter if it is direct drive. The IYP07 and IYP365 heads should also thread on the AAA Tool… I have seen images of this. So the IYP25 head may thread on the AA Tool.
Not exactly sure of the question but here is what I have.
IYP365 will run with eneloop and dummy cell. Just did it and compared to IYP07 with exact same batt and voltage the outputs are similar. They both are Nichia but my sample of IYP365 has slightly higher tint so it appears slightly brighter on high.
IYP07 will work with 3.7 v lithium. Have been running mine with Efest 350mAh battery for months and yes it still runs fine when put back into eneloop service.
Of course it gets hot on high and did not ever try to burn it down by leaving on high but mainly run on Med with bursts of high with no ill effects.
Has mode memory.
Also just tried to use IYP365 head onto Thorfire PF04 and it threads up like butter and works well, so there’s another lego
HTH and hope you find a IYP07, wish I had gotten more than one.
Should have nailed a couple more when they were on blowout.
That’s crazy. Thanks Muto. Good call jon_slider… never would have guessed, but I suppose it is simpler for Lumintop to only have one driver in both lights.
I have and made an offer. Wish I had seen your post first… I can just use an IYP365 driver with Nichia if it works with 1 Eneloop.
Edit: seller hadn’t responded yet, so I rescinded the offer.
I have a IYP365 sitting here, so I just fashioned a AAA dummy out of Al foil and bubble wrap and tape, and I can confirm the modes of the nichia IYP365 on one cell look identical to the IYP07. Sitting here somewhat astounded with jon_slider’s intuition. I was always led to believe that usually, 1.5V drivers fry on 3V and more. I will have to unlearn everything. Things would have been a lot simpler for the swap if the IYP25 modes were identical… but it has that strobe
Not on the IYP365 I have… it has permanent memory. I turn off in L, wait 30 seconds… still turns on in low. Many reviewers have said it’s MLH. But that is really HML when you think about it.
They are probably like Sofirn, make changes in software without changing name/version.
Now that I think of it, mine was ordered when that model first came out so if your’s is like the IYP07 to me that is good.
Use that driver for your project maybe?
Yeah I get what you are saying about HML rotation just a question of any default settings involved.