Ceramic knives video

My brother and I heard this on the radio and then we looked it up online, apparently this guy had taught himself how to speak English using an English translator rather than lessons with humans or listening to recordings.

I have to say I found it pretty humorous at first but apart from his computer acquired accent his English isn’t that bad at all.

Below is an example of a Chinese to English computer translation, hes pretty much nailed it.

The guy in the first video also has voice overs in other product videos as well, they described it as Chinese/Swedish accent and decided to call it Swedinese and then went on to about it for 15 mins.

Also because it says DX.com in the video my first thought was of BLF.

Pretty funny :bigsmile:

Now, that’s a BUDGET voiceover!

Haha…a heli with “huge mammory”…snicker.

Well done! I've taken 4+ years of spanish while mostly earning A's and spent lots of time around spanish speakers, but I still don't speak it as well as he does.

When I got to 2:55 of that video, I went to run off to test the ceramic knives I got from FT the same way they show. However I realized that the knives are in my van at work, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. I have a feeling they will not ‘cut it’ as well.

That guy must have amazing self discipline to teach himself like that. I wish I had that much discipline applied to my workouts.