Charge nicad batteries on a nimh charger?

I was looking through some drawers today and found a pair of never used Radio Shack 2 way radios. To my surprise there were three nicad AA batteries in each. Question: Can I recharge those batteries in a nimh charger such as the Eneloop charger?

Officially, many NiMH chargers aren’t designed to charge NiCd cells unless NiCd compatible. Some chargers even say not to try them, and many give an error message too.

However, the charging algorithm is is very similar (delta V over delta t), although NiCd cells has a higher delta voltage. You probably won’t damage your charger, although I doubt your cells will hold much charge as they seem to be quite old.

Thanks for the help. As it turns out, I have an old Energizer nicd charger, an my i4 Intellicharger states it can charge them. I suspect the batteries won’t get much use.

the dV/dt algorith of NiMH charger should correctly detect end of charge of NiCd, since the dV/dt is greater in NiCd than in NiMH. The other way around (charging NiMH batteries in NiCd charger should not be done).

However, I’d just get new NIMH batteries, they have much lower self discharge thatn NiCd

Thanks, I am not short of nimh batteries. Those were just there, and they are only 1000 mAh so they won’t get much use. I just hate to think I have a battery that I cannot charge, if it is rechargeable.
I appreciate the response.