Charging 26650 batts with DreamCharger C3100 help

can anyone alleviate my concern…
I’ve just bought my first 2 x 26650 batts (Keeppower, 5200mAh) from reputable dealer in Oz.
I put them in the charger to charge at 1000mA charge setting after I got them.

They have now been in the charger for 27 Hours and are charging at only around 100mA.
One batt is at 4763mAh and the other at 5802mAh!
Should I be concerned?

I’ve used the charger for my 18650’s heaps and haven’t had this happen.

Any help much appreciated.

What voltage are they with a DMM?

Yep, measure the voltage (out of the charger).

What voltage were they when you got them??

Unless you have replaced the PSU of your charger, you can take the charge mAh reading with a pinch of salt. It’s only accurate when you discharge the cell.

Not sure what they were when they arrived. Didn’t think to check voltage.
They are both reading 4.25 now (I took them out of the charger).
Just checked again - one at 4.25 and one at 4.04

What sort of DMM is it. It may be reading slightly high or maybe not.

It’s a Digitor from DSE, MRsDNF. I must admit my knowledge of DMM’s is newbish.

I’m OK with the cells - they came from SuperSport600 on eb who is very reliable and sells good product.

What I don’t understand is why, when I set the charger to 1000mA, it is charging at around 100mA and going on way past the cell’s stated capacity (at least on one).

if they are really 5200 then it will take a while.
you select 1000ma but the charger delivers that as a max.when you hit 4.20 it goes to constant voltage mode and current declines as the cell terminates when the rate of drop flattens out or a preset current depending on the design.
its possible these never drop below the cutoff current and are now float charging.
the one at 4.04 is either not fully charged or maybe bad?

I have charged 3-18650’s from laptop pulls still welded together in parallel. The charger would see that as 1 big fat cell with a capacity of 3x2600mAh. They took awhile to charge up, but only about 8 hours.
I suppose it is possible your cells are leaking at a rate near 100 mA, but that would mean they are defective.