I’m looking for a light along the following lines:
- 1 x 18650 battery (protected 3400mAh green Pana must fit)
- As much throw as possible.
- Tight beam preferred.
- Bright.

- Size is not an issue.
- XML or XML2 LED.
- Available at Fasttech (preferred) or Banggood.
- Cheap. Seriously, this light would serve no real “purpose” other than having fun, so I would like to keep the cost as low as possible.
Can you help me with some recommendations?
Thanks in advance.
How cheap are we talking? If ~30 dollars is good, then the HD2010 (with newer driver) might be a good fit.
Lower than that and you may want to go with a C8 of some form (keep in mind that a C8 is not really a thrower, more of a mix).
Non XM-L and not from the above stores, but you might want to consider it for just $11 - Jacob A60 from gearbest
+1 for HD2010… too bad you missed the sale from Tmart, but if you wait for awhile, usually they always have sale 
Have you joined O-L’s April fools thread? Its “cheap but decent flamethrower?. 
@scaru: I’d like to keep the cost as low as possible, maybe between $10 - $20.
@Pregulla: Good catch, thanks a lot, I’ll keep an eye on that one.
@Lightsaber: Now I have, thanks for the heads-up!