Cheapest cr123a light ( under 1$ )

Hi there BLFers!

Could a light that price be possible? I just want to put disposable cr123a batteries

on it and forget about it somewhere else and use it when the right time comes.

As of this moment, the 2.99$ yupard is the cheapest I know so far but needs to be

moded to run on cr123a batteries. No need for modes. I want the circuit as simple

as possible.

Thank you guys

Which $2.99 Yupard light ? Any pictures of it ? 2.99 after blf coupon

. By the way, does anybody know to open this light?

it’s easy to open and solder some resistor to boost the light output… however the pill is hollow :Sp
I added an aspheric lens from fasttech to make it “throw” farther :smiley: