Each module of 5 emitters(111mm) is current regulated as you can see, default CRI is claimed as 80, but measured tops 90, and R9 is 75- one of the highest i have seen on a led stip- the strip itself has 5 years warranty, but in our case we cant rely upon that onviously:/
Interior godness
Awailablilty arroud 380 meters( industrial roll, was 500m)
If i took it all the BLF price would be like 8.5$ for 1 meter( here retail price is 22 :money_mouth_face: excluding shipping
I would probably buy 5 or 10 meters to try it out if shipping is not exorbitant.
Is this the 12W/m or 9W/m model? Is the power supply connection the two brown spots next to 24V? (I looked at the OSRAM website but there is no information on the connection except that it has “premounted feeder”.)
Too bad its 24v, i like to run led strips straight from 12v batteries.
And i like to use red & amber led strips on the same circuit, so i can’t solve it by doubling up on the battery unfortunately.
So if it had been 12v high CRI i would have gotten a few meter to try out.