Chemistry Infographic

100% agree with Will34.

OP should research and learn much more about batteries.
This iconographic is misleading. Very nicely done, but unfortunately misleading.

1. First you have to find out why there are 2 types: Protected, and Unprotected Li-ion batteries.
2. 95–99 of flashlights are running on Protected batteries. Flashaholics are very safe when using Protected cells. LiCoO2 or not. BTW LiCoO2 is not being manufactured for quite some time.
3. None of those OEM manufacturers are making Protected batteries. Calling Protected batteries rewrap is misleading.
4. Unprotected batteries are re-wrapped batteries (under various brands), but there are good rewraps, and dangerous ones.

Soon everyone who wants to use unprotected batteries will be forced to use rewraped batteries, so you better figure out who is good and who is bad re-wrapper :slight_smile:

Panasonic, LG, Sony, Samsung were OK while only protected batteries were used by end user.

Now, with so many incidents (unprotected batteries used in Vaping e-cig devices) everyone will be “punished” and OEM manufacturers will ban sales of their Li-ion cells.

Sony was the first manufacturer who banned sales of their batteries to vapers (that includes flashlight community, because Sony doesn’t really care who is who).

Wait until you see new LG batteries and what is printed on them.