Hey everybody, I would like to know of some good ideas or some of your favorite Christmas lights that you have bought that are cool.
I have a two story house with two large trees in front. I was thinking of hanging something like these on the tree branches.
Are there budget christmas lights from china, or do you guys just buys yours locally?
Would like a few of those if we could get a better price or find a cheap knockoff.
It looks cool!
The first pic is great.
But the 2nd and the 3rd are somehow a little bit weird… photoshoped?
You can buy a jigsaw lamp as cheaper alternative. I cut out the pieces from paper and put 1w generic led inside:
The Wife and I are looking for these the copper painted snowflakes with LEDs in them. We found them last year and did not buy enough, only 2 sets about 8 ft. Looking to get about 4-6 more sets if we can find them.
Those are actually pretty cool lookin
I did a quick search in aliexpress and typed in Christmas lights. There’s a whole bunch. I may have to start collecting now , saw some neat lights.