
Up for sale are Five Mini-Maglites.




3AA LED Silver Mini-Mag Host, holding a Triple. 3-Nichia 219 leds on a triple star, with TIR optic. The driver is a NANJG and has 10 chips on it, (3.5 amps). The LEDs are in parallel. This light needs 3 Eneloops, to make it as bright as it should be. It comes with a Mag holster. There is some file work and mill work on the head. The bezel and tail cap are polished. Modes are H/M/L



2AA LED Blue Mini-Mag Host. Holding a Nichia 219 with a 1.4 amp NANJG driver. It has a 15 degree TIR optic and can run on one 14500 battery with a dummy cell. The dummy cell is included. Modes are L/M/H/Strobe/SOS.


2AA INCAN Red Mini-Mag Host, with a Nichia 219 and a 15 degree TIR optic. Direct Drive. Run it on one 14500 and a dummy cell. The Dummy cell is included. Comes with a Mag holster.


2AA INCAN Grey Mini-Mag Host, with a Nichis 219 and a 15 degree TIR optic. Direct Drive. Run it on one 14500 and a dummy cell. The Dummy cell is included. Comes with a Mag holster.



2AAA INCAN Red Mini-Mag Host with a Cree XP-G and a TIR optic. I don't know what degree it is. It looks like about a 30 degree and it has a couple rings in it. Direct Drive. Runs on one 10440? (AAA size Li-ion) battery and one dummy cell. Dummy cell is included. I think that due to the spacing of my pill, an unprotected cell will need to be used. If there is any issues, I can make a custom sized dummy cell.

PRICES: (includes shipping).

SOLD #1. Silver 3AA Triple light - $60 USD CONUS - $70 USD International

SOLD #2. Blue 2AA LED light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International

SOLD #3. Red 2AA Incan light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International

SOLD #4. Grey 2AA Incan light -$30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International

#5. Red 2AAA Incan light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International

Payment is PayPal valleau(insert the @ sign here)

Post here and state which light you are buying, so everyone will know which ones are left. Follow that with a payment and a PM to me, with your full name and address.

Thank you.

Nice looking lights. A lil too rich for my blood though. That first silver one would be my choice if I was a little bit richer.

I’ll take the three AA light. #1 sending PayPal.

That silver one is artwork… triple nichia… :heart_eyes:

Thanks ouchyfoot. Since you bought it I do not have to consider it anymore. I really should not have considered to buy it since I have so many lights on the way, but I was drooling all over the keyboard… :wink:

I know. I just finished ordering $80 in parts from FastTech, and saw “it”. Unfortunately, there is no way to block Old-Lumens sales threads. :bigsmile:

Courtesy bump.


Good score, Ouchyfoot !!!

Thanks Chicago. I can’t believe there are still four left. Anyone that doesn’t have an Old-Lumens Nichia Mini-Mag mod should grab one….wait a minute, I don’t have an OL AAA yet…no I can’t…one is enough for today…can’t be greedy.

Prices Reduced.

I will take the red AA xpg

My sincere apologies. I made a mistake. The XP-G is in the AAA light, not the AA light. That was a huge mistake. If you want to back out, no problem at all. I can refund you the money.

I’ll take the Blue Nichia. #2

2 lights left. One of the 2AA and the 2AAA.

I'll take that .... # 4 ......2AA INCAN Grey Mini-Mag Host, with a Nichis 219 and a 15 degree TIR optic. .... headed for Pay Pal!!! Nice lights Justin!!! Thanks!!


Pay Pal Sent! Many Thanks Justin! Dan.

The 2AAA is still for sale. Can't believe no one wants that one. I only do about one a year of those lights.

Beautiful work there, especially 3AA Silver Mini-Mag :D love it...

hm, triple XP-G2 R5 with 2x14500 and TIR optics, something like 8°-10° <- i'm just thinking at loud here :D

Got my light today OL love it, its just nearly dark enough to go out and give a run!!!

Thanks! Wish everything would come as fast as your shipment did!!! Next day air!!! lol

That is really fast! I didn’t think the postal syltem could work that fast.

HURRY UP DARK! I just received my AA Mag Mod and it is perfect! I had't seen this exact Mini Mag color before either.... THANKS OL!!! Another trophy! I'm going to re-shoot my avitar soon so I can show my complete OL Mod Family!!!

PERFECT light!!! Dan.

Glad you like it.Smile