Up for sale are Five Mini-Maglites.
3AA LED Silver Mini-Mag Host, holding a Triple. 3-Nichia 219 leds on a triple star, with TIR optic. The driver is a NANJG and has 10 chips on it, (3.5 amps). The LEDs are in parallel. This light needs 3 Eneloops, to make it as bright as it should be. It comes with a Mag holster. There is some file work and mill work on the head. The bezel and tail cap are polished. Modes are H/M/L
2AA LED Blue Mini-Mag Host. Holding a Nichia 219 with a 1.4 amp NANJG driver. It has a 15 degree TIR optic and can run on one 14500 battery with a dummy cell. The dummy cell is included. Modes are L/M/H/Strobe/SOS.
2AA INCAN Red Mini-Mag Host, with a Nichia 219 and a 15 degree TIR optic. Direct Drive. Run it on one 14500 and a dummy cell. The Dummy cell is included. Comes with a Mag holster.
2AA INCAN Grey Mini-Mag Host, with a Nichis 219 and a 15 degree TIR optic. Direct Drive. Run it on one 14500 and a dummy cell. The Dummy cell is included. Comes with a Mag holster.
2AAA INCAN Red Mini-Mag Host with a Cree XP-G and a TIR optic. I don't know what degree it is. It looks like about a 30 degree and it has a couple rings in it. Direct Drive. Runs on one 10440? (AAA size Li-ion) battery and one dummy cell. Dummy cell is included. I think that due to the spacing of my pill, an unprotected cell will need to be used. If there is any issues, I can make a custom sized dummy cell.
PRICES: (includes shipping).
SOLD #1. Silver 3AA Triple light - $60 USD CONUS - $70 USD International
SOLD #2. Blue 2AA LED light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International
SOLD #3. Red 2AA Incan light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International
SOLD #4. Grey 2AA Incan light -$30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International
#5. Red 2AAA Incan light - $30 USD CONUS - $35 USD International
Payment is PayPal valleau(insert the @ sign here)suddenlink.net
Post here and state which light you are buying, so everyone will know which ones are left. Follow that with a payment and a PM to me, with your full name and address.
Thank you.