

The Astrolux S1 on Amazon from Hizek Direct are seconds or returns and simply… Garbage.
I bought 2. One has a small diameter head that does not fit well and looks Odd. The other had the OLD driver and looked to be thrown together with mixed parts.
Colors did not match on all parts of both lights and one had a bad switch.

Both lights had issues that are unacceptable.

I can confirm this. As Xmas gifts I bought ~4 from the same seller from Amazon for the same price 1~2 months ago -> Of the ~4 that I bought to gift -> all of them had ever so slight short body tubes (as in the rear o-ring of the tube was not fully covered when the tube was heavily tighten down on all of them, on one the reflector was heavily blemished, one had a wonky driver, 1~2 could not really make connection for a 18350 cell w/o a paperclip bridge, etc.)


Thanks for that info, I can say that I’ve purchased 3 of them and had no issues.

I’m not sure if Amazon would be the place to unload faulty products considering their buyer protection services, but I’ll take your word for it.

Are all of these deals US only?

Yes most I’ve checked have said no international shipping.

Thanks. It would be nice to add that to the OP. US only that is. :slight_smile:

I got one of the amazon S1s for $15, and it seems fine to me.

Lumintop IY365 Nichia 219BT $19.12 CODE: 62Q8JKKA

Just purchased a Lumintop Prince Mini … Many Thanks for the CODE

My 18650 Prince CU with Egg Salad Patina.

If you put the S1 in your Amazon cart—you get a message that it is no longer available from that seller.
Looks to be Sold Out

Lumintop Tool Titanium Nichia $39.92 CODE: 62Q8JKKA

Back in stock:

Astrolux S1 w/ 18350 Tube $13.99

Did you purchase from this “Hizek Direct” seller that looks to be coming out of China? I’m interested in this light but I don’t want to wait 4 weeks for a refurb/returned product like mentioned above. Thanks.