I think there are enough people here that like to watch cnc machines in action that I decided to put up a thread where I will add a video now and then just for grins. Here is the first installment. I am testing feed rates on a 3/32" (2.38mm) drill. Due to it's tiny stature, before much reading and video watching, I would have never considered plunging such a tiny thing into metal at such an alarming rate. But, I did and it worked.
Nice Bucket! Makes me invious, I’m still cranking on those old handles.
What drill bit brand are you using, looks very sharp. I use Norseman, very sharp and stay sharp.
I am not sure what the brand is. I bought them from McMaster Carr. They do seem sharp though.
On a side note, I accidentally left my feed override at 140% while drilling with that bit today. Did just fine at 14 ipm. I didn’t even realize it for a few holes. I was looking at it drill and thought “Hmm, sure looks fast.” Then I realized it was on override and about crapped myself.
Thanks. Having seen your ingenuity, I think you could do it. It’s all about removing everything except the profile that you want cut. Then some clearance relief. Think of it like a HSS lathe bit. Just smaller in scale. And 2 flutes.