Thanks Don, there's your lumens recorded in that thread, with some other users that are even greater. I would have never thought coated lens would make any difference, unlike camera lens or eyeglasses. But light meters don't lie.
But angusinalberta brings up a good point ... "Would you see any difference in the brightness?" Really, I dunno. But for $2, I've spent more on tethers or gitd o rings that have no effect of lumens
I have a suggestion for measuring the transmitance of glass lenses that will keep all confounding variables to a minimum. I don't have any coated glass here to do the experiment myself or I would.
Place the lens that's to be tested over the light meter instead of the flashlight.
This probably requires a black cover over the light sensor with a hole a bit smaller than the lens cut in it.
Shine a steady light on the meter and record the following readings;
a) no lens over the meter
b) uncoated lens over the meter
c) coated lens over the meter
Repeat 5-10 times and calculate averages.
Transmittance of the uncoated lens = bave ÷ aave * 100
Transmittance of the coated lens = cave ÷ aave * 100
Prediction: no more than 4% to 5% difference between the two results or I eat my hat.
Be an interesting test, and I agree would most liklely result in a 4-5% difference, probably much lower. But it would not be a very practical test, as it would only measure the translucence of the glass alone, and not the overall translucence of the glass combined with the compounded refraction of the reflector to glass. Buried in the original thread is an interesting wiki link to thin film interference ( Of particular note in this article is the phase shifts on what is termed constuctive vs destructive interferences - which would not be measured by your scenerio.
Not at all, it is a very practical test, in that it tests one variable, the effectiveness of the anti-reflection coating. All other things, lamp-meter position in particular, remain exactly the same. In science it is always preferable to change one, and only one, variable at a time.
Another excellent wiki article is at
It explains how the transmission of light through an air-glass interface is enhanced by destructive interference of the light that would normally have been reflected if the quarter wave thick coating were absent.
Hope that last sentence makes sense to you. It's past my bedtime.
Sorry guys for bringing back a deadthread but for those of us who are interested in upgrading our lights I want people to know that KD is still selling the AR lenses and I just bought a few of them (6) for testing purposes. I mean having a Bushwhacked P60 Drop in deserves a nice AR lens right? Right! I can post the link to the 28mm ones if anyone else is interested in one for their light. Mine happens to be a Solarforce L2 and, from what I have gathered, the KD 28mm fits nicely.
I don’t know if the KD lens give any appreciable boost in output, but they sure look nice, and to be honest that’s the only reason why I bought them. :bigsmile:
I think there is a thread here on blf that compares different lenses for p60 format, the light gained using a KD lens was around 5-6% the lenses from flashlightlens were even better.
I wasnt really looking for a huge boost in output though im sure anythings better than what it came with. also I wanted the look as well! It sure looks sexy with an AR glass.
Let us know what you think. I also ordered some lenses from KD. I ordered the ones that go for $3.10 rather than the ones for $2.9x. The KD website said the more expensive were the ones to get so I believed them. I don’t like glass with tint so I
may be disappointed, expecially if I can’t see a difference in OTF lumens.
Unfortunately, KD even with the registered air mail is terribly slow. I order from other Hong Kong companies and receive their stuff in 8 days. But KD has had my order for 13 days and it just left HK and I still can’t track it.
Im not sure if i will be able to tell. My Bushwacked LED should be in before the lens so hopefully i can get some output shots up and some lux readings from my phone lux meter. I will do a stock glass kd glass and no glass reading. Also can you send the link for the lens you bought? Thanks
I had planned to buy these
which I thought were the ones everyone had been talking about in these forums. Then the slightly more expensive ones ($3.10) showed up on their website with the info on their page that said these were the best so I ordered them instead.
For what it’s worth, I ordered two different 28mmx2mm lens from KD a little over a year ago, and one type had a “green” AR coating while the other had a “purple” AR coating. Both types were flawless; they perfectly matched the diameter and thickness of the stock lens, and I couldnt perceive any tint shift between the two. I’ll try to find some links to them tonight.
One thing I notice is that many of these sites seem to carry each others merchandise with a slight mark up. So I can never tell when I am buying from the original vendor and when I am buying from a wholesaler or middle man. I did a search on Alibaba and found a very similar coated lens that sold for $2 each and I thought had the letters KD somewhere in the description. But it seemed too complicated to buy and unsure of shipping, etc plus they didn’t take paypal.