Color temperature scale guide (2700K - 7000K)

I've always had a tough time deciding on what tint to get when it comes to LEDs. I prefer the neutral to warm colors as they offer better color rendering, particularly outside. I found this chart from SeeSmart while browsing which may prove helpful to others as it gives a nice side by side comparison of tints ranging from 2700K - 7000K.

Thanks Hill. Filed away in my temp/tint/cri files for reference.

Thanks for the scale. Saved in my PC now.

I have been using 4300k bulbs in my cars for about the last 15 years.

There was something I read back then along the lines of any higher in the kelvin scale and even with the same light output you loose visibility because the eyes cant see in ultra violet (why they start to appear blue then purple) even though it can appear brighter.