Commercial Seller Rules

Commercial Seller Rules

Commercial Sellers: Please read before posting

Hello and welcome commercial sellers: (BLF) users are usually happy to see new deals and offerings on flashlight products from legitimate, honest sellers from all over the world. Here at BLF, we pride ourselves on being open-minded and respectful toward everyone, including international flashlight sellers. However, if you are a commercial seller and want to post on BLF, we ask that you please observe the following rules:


  • Please make only a few threads in the Commercial Sellers’ Spot category.
  • If in the future you want to let us know about new products and offers, please make update posts in the same few threads. For example, you could create one thread called New Flashlight Products” and another called Current Offers and Coupons”.
  • Please post only links to images from an external website instead of uploading images to BLF.
  • Affiliate links to your products by your customers should only be placed in the BLF User Negotiated Deals category.
  • If you want to do a completely free giveaway, please post in the Giveaways and Contest category. Please also review these instructions before organizing your giveaway.
  • Please introduce your company and clearly state that you are a commercial seller.
  • Please be polite, respectful, honest and forthcoming.


  • Please DO NOT make commercial posts in any other forum categories except the Commercial Sellers’ Spot.
  • Please DO NOT upload images to BLF. Instead, post links to images from your own website.
  • Please DO NOT make commercial posts in the Want to Sell or Group Buys categories.
  • Please DO NOT direct users to social media sites such as Facebook.
  • Please DO NOT abuse your privilege by making many different threads in the Commercial Sellers’ Spot.
  • Please DO NOT make commercial posts about products that are not related to flashlights or flashlight accessories.
  • Please DO NOT post about your company in other threads unless users specifically request information from you.
  • Please DO NOT pretend to be a happy customer of your own store.
  • Please DO NOT ask questions about your own products.
  • Please DO NOT create many different user accounts.
  • Please DO NOT send unrequested offers via the BLF private message system.
  • Please DO NOT create contests or giveaways that require posting links to your website.
  • Please DO NOT create contests or giveaways that require purchasing something to participate.
  • Please DO NOT be rude, pushy, or annoying.

Violations of these rules will result in deleted posts and eventual account suspension.

Commercial sellers, please make an effort to follow all of these instructions. Many respectful, honest commercial sellers from several continents are now running very successful businesses thanks to a good start on BLF. So please work hard to create a good first impression by carefully following these instructions. Attention to these details is for your own benefit and reputation, and will result in a positive business relationship with many enthusiastic buyers of your products.

Thanks for reading! Have fun.