Considering my first build, and yes, I will need a lot of help.

I have quite a few really nice lights. I have bought many stock lights, and have had some awesome lights built by members of this forum. I have read countless threads and have finally decided that I would like to attempt my own build. It may very well not work out, but I still want to try. So that is where all of you come in…

I want to start out with something relatively inexpensive. That way, when I get fed up with it, I can throw it into the woods without being out too much money, lol. I was thinking about going with a Convoy as my host. I would like to use a NW xp-g2 and possibly de-dome it. Not because it is useful, more just because I can. I would like to run 4 modes with a moonlight, low, medium, and high. If possible, I would like to replace the reflector with a SMO reflector.

I am not worried about flashing modes, but I would like a mode memory. So that is where I am at. I am looking around and starting to put together a parts list. I also have a 3D Maglite that I would like to use as a host for a later build.

Any parts suggestions or any suggestions at all would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help that you are able to provide.


I actually may just go XP-E2 and leave the dome on.

I am new to modding as well, and from what I have seen, your choices are solid. Since you can dedome later, why not leave it on for now. I am looking at the guppydrv firmware for the driver when I do my first mod, it seems to have a nice flexibility. Are you going to go for the shorter model with the 18350 battery or stay with an 18650? I think the smaller the light and the bigger the output, the cooler it is for a mod. I am looking at the short S2 platform myself when I get this going. Good luck!

Convoy S2+ Red Host Convoy S2+ Flashlight Host - Red
Qlite 3.04A Driver QLITE REV.A 7135*8 3.04A LED DRIVER - 17mm

Relatively inexpensive yet very good quality. Keep in mind if you dedome the tint will shift warmer. So if you want a NW final tint, dedome the 1A version.

I like mucking around with the P60 style drop ins. Their dirt cheap and fit in all kinds of hosts. Like the 501b, 502b, Fandyfire F102 etc... So if say I had one host, 502b for example, I could make a bunch of different dropins for it. I could make an XP-G, XML, XM-L2, XP-L, you get the idea..Some with domes some without. All pretty much using the same type of 17mm driver with the firmware of your choosing. Or, you could also purchase some really high-end expensive ones that some of our favorite vendors carry. Plus, I think you would get a little more performance than say, using an S2 or one of its Sx variants..

You can’t go wrong with a Convoy C8.

There are so many great options in the budget arena. I already have a cool little C8 on the way so I may do another one of them. The p60 idea is not bad either. Thanks for all the suggestions so far.


I think you can build a light that is actually useful, not just something to attempt modding and then throw away!

I would suggest:
-Convoy M2 host
-Dedomed XP-L V6 1A on 20mm noctigon/sinkpad
–17mm 105C drivers with 12x 7135 chips
-Copper braid both springs

I built this same setup but with a XM-L2 and the throw is amazing for such a compact light, and the M2 is one of the toughest host you can get, the battery tube wall is about 1.5mm thick!

Another option is to build yourself a triple out of a Convoy S2 host. Mountain electronics offers all the parts you'll need and it should be a fairly simple build. I suggest using a 3 amp q-lite driver as you like your protected cells. The only issue with this combo is that you'll have to open up the ID of the driver retaining ring to properly secure the driver to the pill.

Keep selling those "expensive" ones, save for any of your true favorites :)

Just order the parts from Richard (RMM). If you built all of the suggested (S2+, M2, C8, S2 Triple) you will be just over what you spent on just one of the expensive lights....AND you will more than get your money back when your fellow coworkers see you playing with them. LOL

The more I think about it, I have decided that I would definitely like to go with an XP-E2. That way I can get near the hot spot of the G2 without worrying about the tint shift while taking the dome off. I am still looking at what host I would prefer for this “build”. It will more thank likely still be something from Convoy for this first one. I think I would like to go with something that has a bit larger reflector. So an M2 might be an awesome option. I really like the L4, but I am not sure about messing with the rear clicky and and electronic switch on the first go.

I have two lights that I would like to modify or have modified as I am not sure that I want to delve into them. I have a Klarus XT-2A that has a CW XP-G2. I would like to change that over to a NW XP-G2. I also have an Olight S80 that I would like to do the same to. I would also like to see if I could up the output on the Olight. Oh, how much fun it is. LOL

I'm interested in this too. S2+ looks like a great size, 4 modes with a moonlight mode. I see you can order all the parts from Richard,

but how do you set the modes?