Has anyone tried these?
Never tried them and don't plan on it. For that price you could get Eneloops.
Based on the claims and look, I would say these may possibly be Eneloops.
Over here an Eneloop costs ~1.70€/pc if bought in an 8-pack or 4-pack. That's cheap enough. No need to look further.
They might be better than Eneloops. Even if they are rebranded Eneloops they are a little bit cheaper with this particular deal. Elsewhere they are nearly double the price.
I’ve just bought Eneloops from here : Eneloops only took a couple of days to arrive, only 50p more, in fact as I bought 8 cost is the same.
Another shop on amazon does them even cheaper but they’re out of stock (Icell Media)
Or if you’re getting 8 then 7dayshop are very good too.
The second link including the charger looks like a good deal tho’, may be worth the gamble……personally as I’ve just invested in a BC-900 clone after years with fast and slow “intelligent” chargers, I wouldn’t bother.