I’ve been getting a ton of messages in reference to a few Convoy C8s that I had for sale a while back so I thought I’d post a build services thread. Every once in a while I’ll buy a few hosts, fix them up, and sell them. I don’t do it too often but I’d like to start a build service and extend that service to anyone that may be interested. This is a hobby that I like and C8s are about the easiest lights to sling together. I just don’t have a whole lot of money to buy hosts/parts and keep them on hand all of the time. If you would like for to me to build you a C8, I’d be more than happy too but you’d have to pay for the C8 up front so I can order the parts and build it. I order most of my stuff from mtnelectronics, if an item happens to be out of stock there, then I’ll usually order if from Banggood’s US warehouse. It generally takes about 3 days for parts to get here from each place. If you have a C8 and want it modded, I can do that too. Here’s a price list to give you a general idea of what it’ll cost…
Even without the centering gasket my Convoy C8 with Bistro and XPL Hi NW is so sweet.
Beware of the work you’ll be getting!
So people not into modding I suggest that first C8 with a XPL HI in neutral tint what a light you’ll be having. If you have friends into expensive lights this is gonna be even better
That’s great! I have received several request for building custom C8s as well, but due to shipping costs and restrictions in my country it won’t be possible, not at an acceptable price at least. So the next time I see a member looking for a good pocket thrower I can refer them to this thread.
Does your modded C8 include noctigon, spring bypass and the L2 spacer for XP LEDs? I would also recommend adding the option for AR glass.
Oh yeah…I only use noctigon. I always bypass the spring at the switch by drilling a hole through the switch pcb and connecting a wire directly from the switch leg to the top of the spring. I use spacers as well.
Bought a XP-L HI Convoy C8 from djburkes over PM and couldn’t be happier with it! Tempted to buy a dedomed XP-G2 version since I just gave away a stock XP-L HI C8 but I’m going to resist for now.
In ebay feedback: “A Great Service, Would Buy Again!!”
Just ordered a grey convoy C8 with fet, ToyKeeper, XP-L HI, AR, springs bypass etc. PM’ed back and forth a few times and he is very responsive and accommodating .Such a change from todays 36 hr e-mails and sully response!
The last one I built took 6 days from the time I ordered the parts, built the light, and shipped it. To get a grey host it would have to be ordered from Convoy’s Aliexpress store in China for $14.68 or I could order a fully built grey Convoy C8 from Banggood’s US warehouse for $18.99 and it’ll be here in 3 days. Then I can gut it and replace everything with the good stuff.
Got my grey C8 from dj and I am very happy with it. Came with ALL the good stuff and a good clean build. It is a great little thower IMO. He is a good person to deal with and I will use him again! :+1: