I just ordered a Convoy C8 plus from lumencraft and I was wondering if there is any problems I should look out for or is it still a good light?
Which one did you get?
I got the black Convoy C8+ with the XPL-HI 1100 Lumens with the Biscotti firmware.
It has been out for a while and the only comments that I could find are years old. I was just wondering if it’s still holding up as good light or not.
Its still decent!
Thanks. I have been trying to figure out how to put the flashlight in the mode that I want. I have been doing this for a couple of days and I’m still not sure how to do it. Hopefully I will figure it out by the time I get the flashlight. Lol
Its alot easier once you have the light in hand.
That’s good to know. I’m excited to get it.
Biscotti is very easy to program. When the flashlight is on, just keep half pressing the button (switching modes) until it starts strobing on it’s own. Thats’s when it’s in programming mode. Then just follow the diagram.
I built my C8 way back when with an XP-L HI. It’s amazing how far it shines for such a small flashlight!