Convoy C8 vs Nitecore MH27 Throw

I’m looking into picking up a single 18650 thrower with about 1,000 lumens, but I haven’t been able to find beam intensity numbers for the various C8 models.

Could anyone who has used both of these lights comment on how they compare? I presume that the C8’s reflector will give it an advantage in throw, but is it worth the loss of pocketability over the MH27?

C8S from Thorfire (XM-L2 driven at 2.8 amps): 30120cd or 347 meters.

MH27 (XP-L HI): 37520cd or 387 meters.

The MH27 is more pocketable (though the sharp edges are uncomfortable), and throws further than a XM-L2 C8. An XP-L HI C8, like the new clear one from Convoy, will surely take you around 400-500 meters.

If I’m looking for throw, I’d rather have a C8 in my pocket.

you can have 3 c8 for the price of 1 mh27. :smiley:
even the mh27 is not that ‘pocketable’. but of course between the two mh27 is more pocketable.

Stock Convoy C8 XP-L HI is reportedly around 65,000 lux.

I was in exactly this dilemma and settled for the XP-L HI version of the Eagle Eye X6R. Best of both worlds. :wink: