Convoy C8 with integrated pill?

Please tell me that this is just a fad, and we will still be able to get the host with the threaded pill.

Well that is THE Convoy selling with an integrated shelf, so i would expect there to only be the “pilled” versions while existing stock lasts

Step backwards IMO, except for the guys running high currents. No adjustability for different reflectors, harder to assemble, can’t easily swap pills (pre-assembled LED/driver combos), etc.


Stock up now!

lets beg simon to offer both versions without discontinuing the pilled versions

And the integrated pill design most probably won’t bring any significant advantage in comparison to conventional separated pill design in terms of heat transfer, unless you are running LED with >100W of power, or literally running a computer CPU in there.

With our XM-L2, or even XHP-70? It does not matter at all.

DTP boards are all that matter.

What a stupid cost cutting move. All the adjustable C8 reflector options for the XP-G2 emitters are now out the window.

Guess it’s time to look for different C8 style hosts, unless he wants to bring back the best one.

Clearly a cost saving measure that is becoming more common with Convoy and seen elsewhere too. I bought a M1 from them about 6 months ago and it too has the integrated pill. Doesn’t worry me too much as I’ve done little modding but it does make life more difficult for those who do.

Well, thats not entirely truth, its just harder now- yet the heat dissipation is better- i have a new bulded XPG2 Convoy (the integrated pill one) that performs exacly as my M2x Javelot- same spot, same candelas at 3x lower cost, 2h lower weight and ofc the size

I don’t believe that it cuts costs. Look at all the ultra cheap junk lights. None have integrated pills.

I just tried building one of my green XP-G lights with the new host, and it sucks. Complete PITA to get it as tightly focused as I could with the drop-in XP-G reflectors and adjustable pill, and it’s still not nearly as nice a spot; even after sanding down the bezel for a tight fit and gluing the standard centering ring around the smaller emitter.

This just SUCKS. I had a lot of those C8’s in the works…but I’m not about to fight with this crap. Is it really that freakin’ hard to keep both styles, or at least offer a drop-in XP-G reflector since these hosts work so well with them?

I don’t get it.