Hey guys i am back with another build. I done this build for the sake of doing it! A few people on here where interested so i thought i would throw one together for ya…
This would be my second build with this XPG3 i had this LED in the BLF D80 just to test it out I bought 2 XPG3s one is a E3 other is a E2.
I made a video of this to put on my Youtube but it was a pain in the arse easy enough build. But my solder was playing up its a gas solder and the catalyst wouldn’t light on fire! So it was not glowing it just kept on burning gas and i was stuffing around with that for an hour far farkety out! I really want to swear ha! So the video is scrapped or i will see what i can do with it. by the time i finished with the soldering iron It went dark and my EDC is playing up since i put IMR 16340s in it. it works fine just the low setting doesn’t work well! Now i will look at that next after i change some washers in my taps in my house. I was using my EDC for light because it has a magnet it was a headache so i just grabbed my 500w halogen spotlight for the shed it was so warm. Its like 10 degrees Celsius here.
Today i fished two C8s the other with the XPL-HI i finally got the parts i need.
- XPG3-E3-3A i tested it with my older multi-meter and i got 6.8 amps at tail cap.
- (20mm TPAD DTP 20mm star, XPG-3, 3A Bin Tint, S5 Flux)
- BLF A6 direct drive
- Spring bypass
- AR coated glass (both lights)
- XPL centering ring i ground it down almost all the way (done that to both lights)
- New Orings all around (both lights) both now have glow i the dark Orings
- Lots of thermal paste
- 22 gauge wire
- Also put a clear button on both lights just for the look!
If any one knows what is wrong with solder could you please tell me i cant work it out.
This is at 5 meters distance the light on the left is a XPLHI U6 7B and the light one the right is the XPG3-E3 (I keep the lights the same side for all the test!)
About 2-3 meters away they are so close i think the XPL-HI just beats it by the tiniest percentage
It is XML2 bright it does seem brighter then the XPL-HI but i think that is just the tint.
The light cruises to 100 meters easy
Both lights on direct drive pointless because it is washed out but who doesn’t like more power?
This would be the biggest difference in this photo it could just be wash out i am not sure but this is at 5 meters on mode 3 they have so much power! same as up top XPL-HI on left XPG3 on the right
They are so damn close this would be about 8 meters away. Can you spot the difference?
Mode 3 at 15 meters they look equal lol!
Mode 6 I got 3 amps at the tail cap!
Mode 7 Direct drive goodness fun for all!
Okay so overall i guess it perform similar to the XPL-HI for about 1/3 the price with out being DE-domed but remembering the XPG3 is using more power so if you where to compare these at the same amperage i think the XPL-HI would give better performance but price to performance wise it would be hard to beat these emitters.
Cree does state that this emitter has better lumen per watt performance them the XPL-HI and XML2.
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!