convoy c8

is the Convoy C8 AK47 7135*8 3/5 Mode light waterproof?

it is very water resistant, but I don’t think it has been certified for any official level of waterproofness.

When properly lubricared it is: tested it personaly

The pump pressure is 0.8 bars!

thanks for the vid example! :smiley:

Now that is a test! I am assuming you used silicon grease on the threads? I have been using TrackLube+ and it works very well for me. I got some free samples from some place ( I don’t remember where) and when they are done, I will buy one of the 8oz tubs. The two 5ml samples have lasted quite a while so the 8oz size should be a lifetime supply for what I use it on now… It is real good on knives as it is non-toxic compared to regular oil, it works for me, so I have not bought silicon grease yet…