Convoy M21B, M21E, M21F w/ GT-FC40 4500k: 3 CRI-95 324m throwers w/ Nichia-like tint -->3 HOME RUNS. Unique & unmatched but +/- tint lottery.

@xevious sorry I don’t follow the cost so don’t know if there have been sales or not.

I did test with (IIRC) Littokala versus Samsung 40T and found no difference in Turbo start brightness. The Wurkkos TS30S with that monster LED SBT90.2 is the only light I have that shows Samsung 40T having a huge advantage.

Yes M21E is my favorite and most used light. 330 m throw + brightness + good Ra and R9 + beautiful Nichia-like color rendering. There’s really not much more I could ask for. Unique in today’s market place IMHO; you won’t regret it.

Thermal mass is yet another plus as seen in my home test below.