Just thought I’d toss the idea out on the forum. I’m 100% P60 based and I’d buy a Convoy P60 host in heart-beat for the same build quality as the S series lights. Anyone else share the same thoughts?
I would not mind one either. I like the Solarforce P60 hosts, they are well built. My wife carries a p60 most days with an 18350 tube.
A P60 host would be something very different from what Convoy has in their product line-up at the moment. Also, if you would like to have different “drop-ins” in your Convoy lights you could buy another pill (ie for the S2+). I admit this won’t work for newer integrated heads but it is a start.
I agree that there should be more P60 hosts on the market, but it appears manufacturers are moving away from this platform? They can sell more lights if there are no drop-ins and the whole concept is limited to low to medium power lights? Never tried more than 4 amps in my Solarforce due to heat.
I think Solarforce has done the low budget ,high quality, p-60 lights pretty well .
Big fan of both convoy and p60 here. I’ll buy a few if he ever builds them.
I think Simon has enough on his plate, more interesting stuff if you ask me. If Convoy was a large company with a big r&d department then maybe I could see it, but they’re not. So I’ll happily stick with SolarForce P60 hosts. They’re fantastic already and I don’t really see where Convoy could do anything to make them better anyway.
+1 I have 4 Solarforce P60 hosts and love them. That said, I would absolutely buy one or more from Convoy
I agree that Solarforce makes excellent lights, I have a number of L2 series lights. I Lego the lights for EDC.
The reason I bring up a Convoy P60 host is for my work a P60 fills the bill. I use a light daily and it has to take plenty of hard knocks. The drop-in format allows me to quickly change an emitter type rather than pack several different lights. I still use the old tried-and-true XRE emitter for checking piping, tanks, vaults etc. I use my N219s for general walk-around inspections and XML2s for nighttime.
A C8 style light is too large and the S series lights are too floody. If the M series still used screw-in pills I would switch to the M1 for my EDC lights.
I’ve bought several Solarforce host over the years and really love their product. How ever look at their web site. They are dropping more product then introducing. Their whole site looks gear to drop the P60 as they move into a different product entirely. They’ve added bags and phone accessories to their line up. Does anyone else make the host anymore? This would be a great time for Convoy to step in and make the host and legos we all want. Then expand P60 26650, etc. Long live the P60.
I have always wanted a 26650 P60 host. There are a few out there, but you have to look on CPF and they are not budget.
I’d rather Convoy made either a single AA tube light (with 5 available tints of course) or an improved compact thrower, than dealing with an outdated format. Anyway, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some drop ins and drop in host on Convoy’s website recently. Typing on iPhone so can’t easily find and add the link.
I still use p60s and I would buy it if convoy made a p60 host. Most of my budget friendly p60 builds are solarforces and seraphs.
Nothings outdated on the P60 only the thinking. A P60 can have a screw over head for larger reflector. I’ve got the VanIsleDSM Septa XP-G2 head on a 26650 P60 host built by TnC. Being modular to start with, we’ve got dropin and screw over. Gobs of bezels and bodies from 2-3 AA to 4-18650’s as in the Gladiator. 1-2 26650’s from Tnc and Mega-Five. 1-2 32650’s also from Mega-Five. We have the K and M series screw over heads. Point is it’s modular style and quality keep it from dying. Anyone saying it’s outdated is only lacking the imagination to keep it at the fore front. No other light system is as flexible as the P60.
Threads 2 months old, but some things have developed. Convoy to build P60’s would be great as we now have a new battery format 20700/21700. For a couple extra millimeters we could get 25% more run time or go for the extra lumens. New host, new tail cap, original pocket, head and bezel goodness. In the thead from The Miller Top 3 (ACTUAL USED!) flashlights of 2016 Solarforce and Convoy get lots of use. What better than Convoy P60 with a 20700 sitting in your EDC kit.
I totally agree. It does seem Solarforce is scaling back and it would be a good time for someone like Convoy to fill the gap. I have bought Convoy and the quality is there for a great price. Simon does amazing work. If he developed the P60 format to take advantage of the new 20- and 21700 batteries I would be in heaven. Let’s get Jdub in on this so he can convince Simon of the merits. :+1: :+1:
the dollars DO add up though
no one REALLY wants a 502 p60 host, but even thats several dollars. Then you either buy a 20 dollar pre made p60 (quality off MTN) of you are into an unknown cheap source off the boat…
or, you buy your own p60 pill set (dirt cheap) and roll your own… the driver and sinkpad and amitter ADD UP even that way…
you end up with enough money, you might as well have bought something else to begin with, if budget is any concern…
and even then i still think p60 format is “neato”…
then, when i was in on the group buy for the n10sivern 1504’s???
i saw bare pills for the light being sold for only a couple dollars.
and i never seem to see, p60 small zoomies… which i would think was kind of neat, and i like small cheap zoomies.
i think, for the same money? you can almost always do better. but, it doesnt have to be that way… it just is…
or… “we” could all come up with our “own” format… but that will never happen, LMAO… it would be like HERDING CHEETAHS
A 26650 P60-host would be more than welcome - at least for me!
…and if it’s marked “Convoy” - even better! :+1:
Have you looked at Convoy prices, very budget friendly. 501 and 502 are true ugly step children. I’m hoping for the Surefire/Solarforce style where the head and bevel are all interchangeable. Also a bit more durable and water proof.
Are P60 really still a thing ?