I have a recently purchased S2+ 519A 12 mode from the Aliexpress Convoy store.
As delivered it was in mode group 1 and I wanted to switch to a mode group with no strobes.
I am able to get it into config with 20 short presses and can select a different mode group, but in every mode group I’ve tried short presses step through at least some of the modes correctly but then goes to a mode where a short press gives only a single flash, repeated short presses give the same. Eventually I can get it around to the next mode….can’t figure exactly how but typically seems to be after a double short press. Then as I continue stepping through modes you get back to the problem again.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Solved, although I don’t understand why.
Original battery where I got the problem….protected Sanyo GA 3500mAh rated 10A. Measuring at 4.1V
Changed to a unprotected Samsung 30Q 3000mAh rated 20A, but from storage so only 3.7V and it is fine.
Problem is gone. If I switch back to the Sanyo it comes back which is odd because I didn’t notice it with that battery yesterday before I tried changing the mode group.
What is the battery voltage when you meet this problem?
It reminds me of a problem i describe here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/71173
Maybe some kind of protection from the battery kicks in.
Sounds like maybe length of the cell ?
Συμπατριώτες Boaz;
I don’t think it relates to low voltage as the higher voltage cell has the problem.
It shouldn’t be related to over current protection because the driver is rated at 5A, plus it was working fine with the Sanyo before I changed mode group……although maybe I’m fooling myself on that because mode group 1 has multiple blinky modes so perhaps I didn’t notice the problem.
Cell length…maybe but it has springs both ends and feels ok tightening down, plus it does work in some modes.
Weird…can’t imagine that a protection circuit or cell voltage would affect any of this. I’d take the switch out and check for debris, clean up the threads and snug the ring….also do the same with the driver/ring, make sure all the bare metal contact surfaces are clean enough. If it’s a bum driver he’ll take care of you, just irritating wait time. On various models, I’ve not-infrequently found some little bits or dust from machining and have had some odd behavior that disappeared when they were removed and all the basics checked like that. I do it with all lights now, but with Convoy it’s automatic for me to disassemble and inspect right off the bat (not a big deal really).
Thanks for the advice. I’ll check that.
In fairness I looked and the spec does call for using an unprotected cell.
If the lower voltage battery worked have you tried fully charging the 30Q or discharging the GA to ~3.8v to see if that makes any difference?
Since it seems battery length could be a contributing factor to your issue, have you checked to make sure the driver and switch retaining rings are tight?
Usually Convoys have very (annoyingly) tight retaining rings, but a not very secure driver or switch compounded with a longer battery and pressing of the switch may temporarily disconnect the circuit and could cause mode issues.
I’ve used a can of compressed air cleaner this morning to clear out any particles left from manufacture. It continues to work fine on the unprotected battery. I’ll maybe investigate a bit more when I get some time, or if the problem returns.