Convoy S2+ question. Purchased a 17mm 7135*8 output is 3040mA,12groups with built-in temperature control. Will this work with an SFT40 emitter? Or a W5050SQ3?
It will work, but 3A is a bit under powered for an SFT40. That emitter could handle more than 8A without any problems.
J-@-W is right, but much more than 5A (and even that) is a fist full of fire on full power in an S2 sized host. Even though you’re limiting the potential of those emitters, I’d be interested to hear your results with that combination. Might be neat to see it in an S6 host as well.
Agree with above. 8A continuously in a S2+ host is a fire hazard. But if you only use the burst output for short amount of time it should be okay. 3A for SFT-40 is definitely underdriven too much and is a waste of a good emitter.
Thanks! Jedi light seeker🔆
What about this driver with W5050SQ3? What do you guys think results would be?
Not much info on this emitter. Member @koef3 stated he would be testing it soon. Initial reports from Simon indicate it can’t be driven above 7-8A, so again, safe with your driver choice, but may not reach full potential.
I’ve heard even 5A with W5050SQ3 has been glitchy due to the quality control of them. Will be pairing the 3A driver with the W5050SQ3 in a S2+ host to compare to 8A SFT40 in same host.
Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
I’ve bought a w5050sq3 circle from Convoy to try and get into a T3 with the 5a buck driver. Might have to do some work to the reflector. Will be comparing it to the osram W1.
Would love some feedback and beam shots of that. Curious about temp as well.