I bought a Convoy S21d (519A 4500K ) with default rubber boot. Then I changed the rubber switch with a red lighted metal switch. It worked fine, until I took out the battery to recharge. After recharging when I put the light back together, the red metal switch is normal for a few seconds and then stops working. The light comes on a low setting (similar to low battery) and flashes every 5 seconds. None of the modes work when I half press the metal switch ( I have 0.1, 1, 10, 35 100) and the config doesn’t work either. When I replaced the lighted switch with the original switch and kept the metal boot, it works (but no light on the back, obviously). It cycles through the modes properly. This behavior is replicated each time I change to the lighted switch and back to the non-lighted switch. Did I break the lighted switch with the battery change?
With the lighted switch, as I screw the body (either at the head side or at the tailcap side) the switch lights up (when the light is off) and intermittently turns off and on. When the light is on, the switch doesn’t light up (as expected), but the main light cycles through as though it works fine as I screw it in. But when fully screwed in, the light turns on at low setting, and half press doesn’t change anything. The lighted switch flickers on low and “dies” after sometime and then the light doesn’t turn on at all. The same thing happened every time so I am led to think that the switch is not actually borked, but that some other thing is happening.
I checked with a multimeter the battery voltage when the tailcap is screwed on fully and battery inside, from the head with the battery positive and the alu body.
metal boot with non lighted switch - Off -0, On - 4.13V
metal boot with lighted switch - Off - 2.7V, On - 4.13V
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance