Convoy S3 Gold
MTG2 5000K
QLITE 4.4Amp
This setup is bright and hot. Turbo is not needed
Convoy S3 Gold
MTG2 5000K
QLITE 4.4Amp
This setup is bright and hot. Turbo is not needed
Looks good for those cold winter nights, it sure looks like a hand warmer!
What did you use to insulate the LED from the reflector?
How do you do that on 4.2v?
He didn't. Instead, he used 2x18350.
Looks like he cut down the reflector to fit? More details please?
Using two EFEST 18350s.
Reflector drilled with drill bits, forgot the size.
Reflector does not short out MCPCB.
So what's keeping them apart? If it is touching that die in any way, it is just a matter of time until it shorts across it or dedomes the LED.
Oh! Of course, 2 - 18350’s, I forgot about that possibility, thanks… :8)
Boy, that setup you got there has me wanting to make one…. How long does it last on high? Or do you have to set it down first(hot!)? :bigsmile:
Some new photos I forgot to upload:
That mtg looks so big on that 16mm board. It looks ridiculous and bad ass at the same time time! I like…I want.
It is pretty badass, tho I wish it was a 4oooK mtg2.
How long do you get out of a charge? 4.4A from 18340s, I’m guessing 10 min on a good day.
On high sure, low and medium the light lasts a few hours :)
Mr. Nobody please resize the photos or set them at 100%, they stretch outside of the normal web page.