convoy s8 host not working

got this convoy s8 host with blf a6 driver, xm-l2. I’ve tested everything, when the head is separate from the body, it works if I take a power source, and try it with direct power. However as soon as I put the tube with battery and tailcap on, nothing happends. Tried to see if the head was shorting but no, tried with the multimeter on the tailcap with battery in place, still nothing. Usually I’d be able to figure this out, but now I’m just clueless. I’m guessing a short in the battery tube, but it looks fine. Tried different cells too, really weird stuff.

‘nothing happens’
Is it that the light does not turn on and nothing else, or is it that the battery is shorted and about to explode?

tested batteries and they’re fine, driver and emitter works fine, as soon as I put the tube on, nothing! No it’s not about to explode lol!

ok, then try to find if the battery tube section makes contact on both sides, the batt- is carried to the head via the housing. A common thing is that the tube does not make contact on the tail side (threading a tiny bit too short, try to light it up without the tail, pressing a screwdriver or so between tube and battery, if it works it probably is the tube/tail connection. A quick and dirty fix is a round bended paperclip in the tail to bridge the connection.

nothing happens after trying the screwdriver method

Some part of the ground ring has to make contact with the un anodised part of the battery tube. Or else it won’t work.

it does make contact though

can you measure continuity on maybe from driver to the tube somehow?

Try from the ground ring to the tail cap while it’s tightend.

I had grease on a light and because of that it wouldn’t turn on. Wasn’t making proper contact.

how do I do that?

with multimeterbon the tail it should light, like measuring amps, but it doesn’t lightbup that way like it should!

I don’t have the S8 host; is this one of those that has anodizing on one side of the tube threads and not the other? And if the tube is reversed, it won’t work?

If the threads on the head-end of the tube are anodized, has the end been machined to remove the ano? Is the shiny end making contact with the driver/pill? And is the driver tightly fastened into the pill, and not pressing away when under pressure from the battery?

+1 for you…I bet that’s what it is…I’ve seen pictures of the host and it looks like there is one end of the battery tube that is not annodized. This is usually the problem on most of the convoy S series posts when the light doesn’t work, lol.

So… @ the OP, make sure the end of the battery tube with the ANODIZED threads is on the TAILCAP end, and the NON-ANODIZED threads are at the HEAD…

What keltex said, this happened to me before where a host was shipped to me with the tail end of the tube screwed into the head and the tail cap was screwed into the head side of the tube. Took me a hour to realize what was wrong.

Its not to hard to measure with a DMM if the end of tube is connected with the drivers ground
And the positive LED with the spring on driver

If those are fine the driver or LED is faulty

Hey mate i went to bed i have be up earlier now lol.

Just try this in continuity testing mode. One lead is on the ground ring and the other on the end of the light. Its making continuity now. If its not that then i am stumped to what the issue is.



@ hannesremo:

Did you ever get this light working? Just curious what you discovered…