This looks great. 21700 with Type-C recharge will be awesome! Can we request that the driver is separate from the USB C recharge so it can be replaced? I’m sure many people will like to mod this flashlight with spacer and quad emitters.
Also, would be nice if you can come out with a 21700 S2+.
Separating the type-c port and driver increases difficulty of flashlight assemblement and driver production.
i can ask driver manufacturer to produce several kinds of driver what you need.
21700 S2+ was added in my plan
That is great news! I think with the 21700 form factor, people will be buying the S2+ 21700 to mod with quad emitters and carclo quad optics like how everyone was modding the S2+ 18650 with triple emitters so I think we need at least 10A max mode. But that might be too much for the stock single emitter.
Normally the lights come with pocket clip
About the UI, you can configure the modes you want according to the this diagram:
So, you can put it starting from moonlight, if memory is disabled! If memory is enabled (last mode memory), you can leave it in Moonlight before turning the light OFF and then it will start in Moonlight.
Taking into account the configuration of this flashlight (4*7135, and Nichia), I would recommend Panasonic NCR18650B (it is not a high drain battery, and has plenty capacity for longer runtimes).