【convoy】SFT70 3000K CRI95 available

Is it confirmed that the t2/t3 etc driver is buck boost?

Will the 2x14500 buck/boost T4 run with a single 14500? (I think that driver is bigger than the t2/t3 one)

Any word if the 5amp buck 17mm still does the step down thing?

1 Thank

Yes for T3 Ti and T3 Ti/Cu (5A). I don’t have Al ones. T4 is buck/buck.

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Sorry, for the T4, they advertise 2xaa or 2 x 14500. I’m curious if it’d run on a single 14500.

Nope. I tried to run my T4 on the double length 14500 that Acebeam includes with the TAC 2AA (double the length but still 3.7v). No such luck.

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Any chance for a 2-3A version of this buck driver for lower power LEDs (e.g. XP-L, 219B, E21A, CSLNM1, SFT-12)?

3 Thanks

You can program it and use in group 8 (0.1%, 1%, 10%, 50%). Than maximum output current will be 2.5 amp

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Won’t I damage the LED while switching to group 8?

You won’t damage it during the transition to group 8. I have 2 S2+ models (5 amp drivers) with the amber osram led and keep them both in group 8. No issues at all.

3 Thanks

Hello Simon! Have you ever considered the possibility of making a LEP ( Laser Excited Phosphor) light?
I know they are expensive and all but I think you should at least give some thought.
It would easily be the best selling budget LEP around.

8 Thanks

Is there a chance that Vapcell F15 will be added as option with T6 on Convoy website? Thinking about getting second T6 with SFT25R, would be nice to get it with 1500mAh 14500.

4 Thanks

New LED? Will you have 2.5V 5A driver for it?

Convoylight site is now completely broken for me. Can’t load the css and script, can’t do anything. Debug shows that the access of https://cdn.staticsshop.com/uploads/0/theme/default/* all fails to load. Can you fix it Simon? I can’t place any order.

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Here in Germany the shop works all fine. I don’t use any of these 3rd party virus scanners btw, just the regular Windows defender.

Seems like a provider (routing) issue or geoblock (?) at some point.

3 Thanks

Which Convoy driver could I use for four or six RED LEDs? Would a buck or boost driver be suitable for the low Vf of red leds?

On Friday, I also was not able to use ConvoyLight.com due to the stylesheet not loading, and apparently part of the page content as well. This is in the US, on both Firefox and Edge.

It seems be fixed now.

I used the standard 5A Linear Driver on my SST20DR Triple.

1 Thank

Linear has a (very) bad efficiency with red LEDs though, unless you manage to squeeze 2 in series in? Not sure what’s the actual V_f of those LEDs.

1 Thank

They are in parallel and I use them very infrequently.

Any update on when the T6 will be available again?

2 Thanks

Unfortunately it seems that Simon does not answer questions currently. :frowning:

(Which is absolutely ok since he is busy on so many things, don’t get me wrong, but maybe just a quick notice would be good so everyone knows what’s going on.)