Cree 7W 300 Christmas Tree (Hanukkah?) Decorations: Tree Lights :)

I opened some packages yesterday, of some Cree 7W 300’s. My, they looked festive. I usually like the black or silver, but these were cheap enough I didn’t necessarily care, although I think I wondered what I was thinking getting the green one. But hey, it’s dark when I use it, who cares? My niece likes blue, but she might blind her brother with it lol

Looked kinda Christmasy, so I got the idea to put them on the tree. I just ran a Christmas tree hook through the clip, a VERY easy mod!

On a fake tree, I even left the batteries in, and it wasn’t too terribly heavy. They can be a little droopy, be careful if it’s far out.

Blf-348 or other small lights should work, too. A long time ago, I think people used to put gifts on the tree. If you are gifting smaller lights, might be cool.

These lights only last about half hour, I’d recommend modes or rechargeable batteries. I’ll probably just leave them off, but I gotta try it, now that I thought about it. :slight_smile: Probably could light an entire tree with the lights, if you are off the grid, or power goes out. Probably some good ideas there. Definitely post a photo

I think Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights, might be able to do something there, too.

I ordered 10 yesterday. Found them 5 for less than 20 bucks.

They seem to have a really nice finish; something half metallic, half matte. They just look really nice… :slight_smile:

II like the colors but they are either a good bit more money or the last 2 looked like an sk68 but when I got them they had multiple LED's. I will try again when I catch a good sale.

These were really cheap, I got them off ebay. Need to see if they have off brand emitters, probably.

Thanks, yeah I’m happy with the finish on these, they do look nice.