Cree C8 Deep??

A buddy of mine was showing me his light the other night which I thought was identical to my C8, but his has a longer head, almost a half an inch, and deeper reflector. I cant seem to find one like it anywhere. Anyone know what model this might be and if you can buy a host for it?

TangsFire C8

Uggh - more C8's are coming that way. I find them worse - less spill, no more throw, so bottom line - worse than the standard "Shorty" C8's.

Ummmm, here's one listed that way, you don't always know what you are getting:

Yup, that was like mine I purchased through eBay a couple of years ago...

I like mine... No issues with the reduced spill, it is a thrower after all... Cool

Tangsfire C8. Just as you described, a little longer, a little deeper reflector.

Compared to my Convoy C8 (xm-l) my Tangsfire (xm-l2) reaches out a bit more, maybe just to my eye, because like Tom E described, it has a more defined hotspot and less spill.

I don’t dislike mine, but I do grab my Convoy more. If I want more hotspot/less spill, I grab an HD2010.

Ok ty. Anyone sell just a host?

Cheap enough it might as well be just a host. The deep ones don't throw any better than a standard C8 with the wide-base XR-E reflector.

Empty standard-depth C8 host here for $6.65:

Not sure of the quality on this unit...

maybe betther buy the convoy c8 host on fasttech with the 2.8 A driver 4 group with one xpg2 r5 led

I have one, it's decent quality, at least on the parts that aren't going to be replaced anyway when built properly. Has a plated plastic reflector, but it's the same dimensions as the good XR-E reflector, so doesn't actually need to be replaced. The lens is glass but very cheap. The pill is fairly beefy, aluminum, takes a 20mm star & 20mm driver, uses the standard C8 pill thread so the bare brass replacement pills will fit if the 20mm driver thing is an issue. Much better quality than I was expecting for that price.

...FastTech has the aluminum reflectors available for $2.78 if that's important, but that drives the price up to $9.43 for an empty host. For $10.33, you can get a host with an aluminum reflector and that takes a 17mm driver. And without even looking hard, you can find full XM-L C8s on eBay for under $10.

Anyone know what size emitter and driver this light calls for? Friend is asking if I can convert it to green.

This is the first I’ve heard of this, so he XR reflector gives more throw than a standard C8 reflector?

What are the advantages/disadvantages to using a SMO vs OP XR reflector (does one [the SMO] give any more throw than the OP)?

One more Q… Does this XR reflector provide the same increase in throw with an XP-G and XP-E as it does with an XM-L?

If you have two reflectors the same depth (XRE vs. XML), and one has a wide base around the LED (XRE), the other is narrow around the LED (XML), the wider one will have sides that are closer to parallel, so a tighter beam/better throw.

I haven't tried an OP XRE reflector, but it might look prettier on a white wall if that matters, it won't be better in hard numbers than the smooth ones though.

What do you call the smaller C-8 type lights like the KE-5
And where can you get a host ?

@ the OP…It’s a c8x.

Among my three C8 flashlights, the deepest reflector came in this from Meritline around 18 months ago. About $12 then, now jumped to about $16? Why?

The reflector is well-made plastic, orange peel the first 0.8” or so, and embossed on the outside with “LGKJ”. I like this reflector, but have no idea where else to buy one.