So I just got another Hugsby P31 from DX this week. There are no longer voltages on the box as before, but they've included a manual in the box that I scanned in for those wondering. It seems the P32 has been discontinued and now is the P31.
This manual states interestingly among other things:
120 Lumen Q3 Cree (supposedly)
Three modes "Strong Light" "Weak Light" and "Burst Flash"
70 minutes on an AA NIMH, 75 on an Alkaline, and 14500 Lithium capable (30 min)
It also shows a nice picture of what we already knew: the head and tail can swap places.
It also shows a Hugsby website on the front that doesn't work.
I measure 2 amps on high and 1.6 on "low" (more of a pretty high medium) at the tailcap.
Also of note, the seemed to change the tail cap to a more rounded post for the negative terminal and they dropped the interesting build date on the end. The old tailcap still fits so the threading looks to be the same size, if not a bit longer in the new one.
I know this is an old thread and I feel sorry for having to resurrect it, but it is about a flashlight a lot of people seem to have enjoyed, so maybe some can answer me this:
Did anyone ever try a 14500 in one of their 1.5V capable P31/32’s?
I know there where/are a bunch of different version of this light around, even 14500 only versions.
Yesterday I got exactly the same one as pictured above from DX, 3 mode high-mid-strobe, P31 printing on the tube, no printing in the tailcap and it came with the same manual as the one above where it 14500 are mentioned and seem to be allowed, although I don’t speak chinese so I can’t be sure. In the DX they are still not mentioned.
BTW: I was pleasantly suprised that the mid mode seems to be current regulated! The downside is a severe tint change to purple :Sp
The manual says that 3.7 V lithium rechargeable batts are ok. Whether or not you trust that is up to you. I’ve never tried a 14500 myself.
On a side not, the diameter of the head on this light is perfect for making your own bottle cap diffuser. I’ve had good success with a couple different brands with mine.
Thanks for the fast reply!
I just tried a trustfire 14500 in it and it works fine so far.
The mode spacing is a lot better now with 14500: the high mode is a good bit brighter, but it seems to me as if the med mode stays more or less the same and thats great!
What bottle caps do you use? I worry that we don’t have them in germany.
Here in the USA, I’ve had good success with the Kirkland house brand from Costco. Also Arrowhead springs and others. I really just looked at the lid of any discarded water bottle I passed for a while until I got a few good ones. Good luck!