Custom Led Lights for Car With Remote Controlled Strobe Function

Hey Guys Al here from WV, I need to pick some of your guys brains over a light setup im doing on a custom power wheels for my son. The power wheels is remote controlled. So my son has no control over anything. I have 2 6 Volt Batteries and 1 12 Volt Battery installed.
At First I had regular led lights (the kind with the 2 long leads coming out of the bulb) installed 3s hot glued to cardboard to make what is seen in the video bellow.

Now this was done with a 2 channel remote controlled 40 watt strobe controller.
It was ok but not BRIGHT enough!!!
I want to up it to 20w-50w High Out Put LEDS that require drivers.
So basicly I want to know what strobe controller will I need for this to work with a remote function.
I want 1 White Led in each of the Main Front Lights and RED led in one side light and one blue in the other front side light. In the back I want 2 Red LEDS in Both of the break lights.
I also want a strobe controller with a 2 channel function the LEDS on one channel and 4 After Market Red and Blue Light boxes on the other. The Red and Blue Light boxes are only 5 watts each so a total of 20 watts for those Lights.
Im also aware I will most likely have to put a heat sink and prob a fan on each of the LEDS to move the heat from them. I have been working with building PCs for over 12 years and know basic soldering and advance knowledge on fans and heat sinks and computers and wiring.

What I meant here that in the front 2 main lights there were 3 White LEDS in the main compartment of both of the front lights that were linked together and in the side compartment of the lights there where 3 blue leds on one side and 3 red leds on the other side. I want to change this to 4 high output LEDS instead of 12 cheapo low light LEDS.
I want this car to be easily seen from 30+ feet away on level ground.

Basically I want some ideas on a setup that will work with 8 LEDS with the drivers and a strobe function that can control the 8 LEDS on one channel and the 4 Light Boxes I have on the other channel. So I can remotely strobe the 8 LEDS and then stop it and Just have the White LEDS on then have the 4 LED Boxes Strobing with the 2 White Leds in the Front on and the 2 RED LEDs in the back on.
It will also be a plus if there is multiple ways to strobe all at once and strobe different patterns individually on the 2 channels.

I was looking at this strobe controller here
mictuning LED Light Bar Wiring Harness 40Amp Relay ON-OFF-Strobe Remote Control Switch(2Lead 12ft)
With this work with these lights?
2 in the Front
1 On Left Side Front
LOHAS® 30W Blue Color LED Chip
1 on Right Front and 2 on both Left and Right Rear
LOHAS® 30W Red Color LED Chip
Would i need a driver for these?
If so would 6 of these work
LED2020 Z-LPV-20-12 90-264 VAC Input 20-watt
Or would 6 of these work?”
20W Watt High Power LED Driver
Edit all of the LED Lights should be 20 Watts