I have an idea that would require converting a quad 4 parallel emitter mcpcb board into an mcpcb that has all emitters in series. This is probably quite difficult to achieve without all kinds of places shorting through to the copper base. I believe member @djozz did something similar years ago and he had problems but did succeed (I think).
See another thought down below**
Three questions.
(1) what is the best way to cut a trace to isolate sections of the traces on the mcpcb?
(2) Does what I have drawn on the mcpcb in the picture make sense? The 4 white lines represent where the traces would be cut. The 4 blue lines represent the resulting series conductive path of continuity from the + connection from the driver to the - connection from the driver.
The black +/- signs indicate the polarity of the to-be-installed emitters and the white dot with the - sign would have to have the solder mask removed to be able to connect to the copper trace. The green +/- is where the wires to the driver would connect.
On looking/thinking again I believe I would relocate some of those trace cuts to reduce their length.
(3) How to best remove the solder mask without damaging the underlying copper trace?
**Another thought and questions. I have never designed a circuit board of any kind since decades ago when I made custom boards for various electronics projects. I know Oshpark can produce driver-type boards but have no idea if they or anyone else can produce copper boards with DTP suitable for LEDs.
Thoughts? Critique? Better ideas? I should give it up?
Or try to align 4 x 10mm mcpcb correctly to fit the quad Ledil Angie optic?