Cyansky K3 V2.0 tactical flashlight is coming! Suggestion for product upgrade.

There’s a difference between a true tactical use UI and an “outdoor UI”. Tactical UIs always have a provision for instant Turbo or High mode and Strobe modes. There are other nuances but that’s the important bit. Everyone does it differently. The K3 doesmt have a true tactical UI. It’s like a hybrid version.

I really like the Fenix TK16 and TK20R V2 and Klarus XT11GT setup with dual rear switches. Doesn’t matter what mode you’re in, you can always call up Turbo or strobe. I think Olights setup is my favorite though like on the Warrior 3S…dual position tail with independent/redundant side switch. The Odin WML has it spot on…single click for High, and Low, no memory. The Acebeam L18, L19 features this also (an upgrade from the L17).

Bottom line if you don’t want a true tactical UI, get a K3 (or Speras E3).

Hi, This is a simple model, and you know it pretty well from the video. :+1:
The turbo mode is in the mode sequence.
Turbo mode can be memorized.
Holding down side switch from on or off will activate the strobe.
Strobe can not be memorized, but all of our lights can be accessed directly to the Strobe by long pressing the side switch for 1 second.
Fix the beam. What kind of beam do you think it could be?
Fix the side switch for less to no rattle. We will consider improvements.
In the new version, we will make a more tactile stainless steel side switch with a battery indicator.
Thanks for your suggestions. :smiley: :beer:

I don’t want to get offensive, but just use a one-mode light if you are that insecure about not having turbo come on in some dreamt-up moment of crisis. That solves the problem for all time (The CPF people used this logic to justify the Surefire Centurion as light of the year for SWAT people many years ago).

A tactical flashlight is a light with mode memory and momentary-on with forward clicky and the ability to flash in signals. “Outdoor mode” is just another new and made-up term that really has no clear meaning. We all know what tactical means.

I want my tactical light to light up in MY selected mode every single time AND not accidentally come on in my pocket like Acebeam lights do.

Cyansky can create another (K3b?) type light for your needs. I don’t want them to change the original.

mic drop

Lookit the 2-switches-in-the-tail setup like the TM03 and probably other Tiny Monstors.

Button is momentary-on, or full-click. Lights up in last-used mode.

“Crescent” switch is for mode-changes when on. When off, it’s momentary-on for turbo, or 2click for strobe.

It’s “reversible” to swap strobe ⇌ turbo with a way to do it (unscrew, press/hold button, rescrew while holding for 10sec, or something like that), so if you want strobe to come on via the crescent-switch and 2click for turbo, have at it.

Best friggin’ way to do it, if you want multiple modes instantly accessible and extremely unlikely to come on “wrong”.

That often means standard 21700’s aren’t compatible. Is that the case here? See this so often and it’s an instant pass from me.

i dont like this super-simple ui. but this is matter of choice.

for me Sofirn C8G UI is example of how it should be done for dual-button UI.

no spring at head is really bad for gun mount.

and button as is invisible for finger. i remember it was really hard to blind find it.

i believe K3 may be way better with few, not rocket-science, changes

The remote switch RS02, you can find the RS02 in our web store or Amazon.

Thank you for your feedback. We will improve this. The head of the K3 V2.0 flashlight will be switched to a spring, which is compatible with both flat and convex head batteries. And can be more impact resistant. :smiley: