(jeffrey )
August 16, 2023, 3:22pm
I wanting to order a d4v2 dual channel light but I am wanting to have it be more a flood / throw situation and not tint ramping.
I want a warmer light on the flood side like a 2700k but I want something more throwie for the other would it be stupid to have a w1 in the other?
I’m new to having this kind of light I’ve always had single emitter off on a few steps lights.
so basically what emitters sound like the best option for me.
domed 519a and W1 are a totally fine combo imo
I hope you enjoy it
here is a great video about a similar combination:
(jeffrey )
August 16, 2023, 3:59pm
Thank you i will check that video out at lunch
Yes, W1 and 519 are at the moment the best option for throw and flood. Keep in mind you can use dc-fix for more flood channel
(jeffrey )
August 16, 2023, 5:02pm
okay cool, I’m looking at this now and doing the 2700k and a w1.
also what is dc-fix and where do you get it?
It’s a transparent adesive film you can find in Amazon or eBay
Here the exact number you have to buy
(jeffrey )
August 16, 2023, 5:13pm
Thank you so much! I appreciate it
(jeffrey )
August 19, 2023, 4:44pm
Well I ordered a d4v2 today dual channel sin sand color did the 519A 2700k and a w1. like I mentioned before I’m going to set it up with the channel switching and have a flood and a throw, I usually use a flood more often than a throw.
1 Thank