I bought a Zeursay 18650 zoom light from dealmetic and never heard back from them. I sent a few e-mails then finally i heard from them the day the flashlight arrived. I really liked the flashlight and the price was awesome so I ordered another with two 4200 miliamp batteries from the LA warehouse. two weeks later i received my flashlight but it only came with one battery not two. I emailed them back and explained what happened and included a series of photos of the packaging before and during opening, Where you can clearly see only one , not two batteries were included. They emailed me back to ask me if I checked inside the flashlight for the extra battery. Duh! of course i did! since then I have sent about 5 e mails and have received no response. its been over two weeks now from the first e mail and nothing. I highly suggest nobody orders from them with out some reserve.
EDIT after posting this review,Dealmetic got in touch with me and resolved my issue. ( read replies below)
My Zeusray is my favorite flashlight. Stupid bright, great price, beautiful flood, etc. Sucks you’re having bad luck, they were pretty good to me. I hope you finally get yours, it’s a hell of a light.
I wouldn’t worry to much about the battery since they are fake anyway. You should invest in good quality batteries like Panasonic, Sanyo, Sony, LG or Samsung.
I say they are fake batteries because no genuine manufacturer produces 18650’s with capacities above 3600mAH wich actually test closer to 3400mAH.
I have an Ultrafire 4000mAH battery that was sent to me because of a screw up on a sellers behalf. I tested the capacity with the Lii-260 and the actual capacity is 200mAH not the claimed 4000mAH.
4200mah 18650? They did you a favor. Toss the one you did receive, seriously. Junk with fake capacities also have horrible safety, they are just hazardous. Never buy any trustfire, ultrafire, *fire batteries or chargers. As Hi-Beam said only Panasonic, Sanyo, Sony, LG, Samsung. Some batteries use those quality brands and add a protection circuit which requires rewrapping (new label). Evva from mtnelectronics.com and keeppower are the best prices for quality brand batteries with quality protection circuit (seiko). There is junk protection too.
well after not hearing from them and numerous e mail trys I posted the above review/complaint. Wouldn’t ya know it they get back to me the very same night I posted it ( they must monitor this forum). They say they responded to my e-mail of Jan 12th but I went back and checked and don’t have it in any folder, old, new, read ,or spam. Plus I was checking e-mail a few times a day waiting for their response. If they sent it I should have seen it. They say the sent out my replacement order and it was posted on the 13th. If I do in fact receive my replacement order in a timely manor I will give them the benefit of the doubt and remove the thread. Ill keep you posted
I noticed they don’t send shipping status updates or order processing updates. However, I’ve never received a light from China as fast I received the Zeusray lol
I did get my replacement battery in a somewhat timely manor, so although it took longer than I would like the problem was resolved. I really like the flashlight so ill call this one a wash
Doesn’t feel like a wash to me. You bashed them pretty hard in your first post, and even harder in the original title to this thread. This whole “customer is always right” mentality gets out of hand on this board sometimes. I feel like you owe them an apology.
I edited the title of the post and I edited the first post to accurately to describe my situation as it happened. Read it and let me know if you still think its too Harsh. It is exactly what happened.
Few days ago, I placed an order at Dealmetic to purchase a Zeusray EDC100. It's in back order, so it hasn't been shipped out yet. I'd like to cancel my order.
From their website, I can NOT find any contact email in order to send my request. The only email I found is this: "sales@zeusray.com".
Can anyone help me find their contact email, so I can reach them. It's kind of terrible if there's no any contact info on their website. I should have realized this before I placed any order.