So after reading about all this dedoming stuff, I’ve decided to build a compact thrower. I’m considering either dedoming an XML-2 u2 1A or using an xpg-2 r5 3D because I like neutral tints. My question is, which one of these would throw better?
Best you can do domed, maybe around 75kcd at 4+ amps? Xml2 more like 55kcd at equal amps
Opps read as domed on my phone.
Xpg2 up to 150k lux, xml2 up to 120k
Thanks just the type of numbers I’m looking for. So just to summarize:
xpg2 - 75kcd
xpg2 dedomed 150kcd
xml2 - 55kcd
xml2 - dedomed 120kcd
I’m assuming these numbers would be reached with a heavily overdriven LED. I’d likely not drive these LEDs too hard but the numbers here still give me a good idea about which set up to use.
Go to the c8 addicts thread for a few more intermediate numbers, will get you started anyway
Just started doing some reading in that c8 addicts thread and already have so many questions answered. Wealth of info over there. Thanks