Delete, couldnt be bothered with semantics.
On the higher end of prices, I’d say
Hank over at Emisar/Noctigon does
There are several people on fonarevka who made custom flashlights eg точилинг & напилинг | Разработка, модификация фонарей и их компонентов or Мастерская: veseliil with custom drivers from other fonrevka member.
It's just the terminology used, that's all. Might consider changing the title and OP to reflect "modded lights", rather than "custom lights".
The confusion lies in your title.
There is a big difference between CUSTOM lights and Modified lights.V54 sells modified lights which can be as simple as just a current boost or Driver.LED ect.
Ive deleted the question Tom. Too old to argue semantics, thought this was fight free forum. I’ll take the question to Candlepower. Thanks those who did reply in a helpful manner.
You win kid, as I said not here to fight with folks.
Hey I`m a CPF member too and on Reddit r/flashlight, there`s nothing wrong with CPF, it`s just a bit quieter is all
Aww, I wanted a “DeleteMe” thread…
FWIW, I’m a CPF guy too, they have a laser section
I'm just here trying to maintain proper chocolate/peanut butter equilibrium.
There aren't any moderators on BLF .
So asking someone to clean up a mess is just asking the impossible .
ToM E's advice as to changing the topic is an easy fix to a thread you'd like deleted and at times a really cute way to make the "fight" a non-fight if you creatively change the topic so it really makes the offending comment as dumb as it really is . Then hopefully they will delete the comment that they probably shouldn't have posted in the first place . ... But waiting for a mod to come to your rescue is like "Waiting for Godot ".
Self moderation isn't just watching what you say... it's being willing to delete needless comments .No ones asking you to cut off your arm or throw your children into the fire .
ahh the internet ... it's not only Lumintop making Tools
The Tool of the Fool is the Toy of the Lady. :innocent:
Thank you for being the bigger person here. And ignore that other guy. You’re welcome here any time.
Well, actually, I asked about the children/fire thing yesterday. Sorry.
I thought it would make good copy.
All good, I use some forums for socialising, but not being a flashaholic, this one just for info. Easier to walk away, the fella you fight with may be the one who can help with technicalities later. Currently chasing reasonable priced flashlights for targeting pest animals in plantations. Previously did business with Randy at Pflexpro, but as I understand he is taking larger contracts only. I got onto the manufacturer list at candlepower so will see how I go.