Did I damage my NCR18650B?

The total voltage your charger was delivering was 8.9 VDC.

This would have overchaged ANY two 4.2VDC cells.

Something was not set correctly in the charger.

I have charged similar cells in series without balance issues.


Are you using balancing sockets or connecting straight from the output? Mine was from the output. I don’t know if this is a problem or not. What setting could have caused this issue?

I tested the capacity of all four batteries and still cannot figure out which battery I overcharged. Below is the discharge time for each cell at 1Amp rate. Each cell was charged to 4.20 volts and allowed to sit for a day before discharging. It is unbelievable how similar these battery discharge times are. I suspect I dodged any damage to the battery and if I was to select a cell that is not like the others the capacity went up on that cell at 147:54 minutes…

cell 1: 146:42 minutes(3400+ mah) / resistance 11.17 M ohms
cell 2: 145:05 minutes(3400+ mah) / resistance 11.14 M ohms
cell 3: 145:13 minutes(3400+ mah) / resistance 11.14 M ohms
cell 4: 147:54 minutes(3400+ mah) / resistance 11.08 M ohms

As I said would be very difficult to tell. mirrors my own results in tests. Choice is now yours I suppose,

In my own tests I have found that sometimes after more cycles there can be a slight increase in cell temp compared to non-abused cells while charging. It is way too early to say whether the panny cells will actually do something nasty or just lose longevity, :quest: time will tell

Does show just how good pannys are and how they make a decision on what to do very hard.