I am assuming that the M10a has a U2 led and the M10 has a T6. I cannot confirm this myself, so will someone give a link that would explain the difference, and a review of both, thanks.
I don’t believe anyone got to the bottom of it, I’ve heard of one m10 come with a u2 marked star, but no way to verify the emitter without a calibrated integrating sphere and clamp meter.
I would order the m10 from a trusted eBay seller, order a u3 emitter from a trusted seller (i’ve not yet seen a star marked u2/u3, just xm-l) it does not matter if the star is 16mm or 20mm.
The driver swap is dead easy, here’s my swap
You’ve already seen and commented on this, but just to reiterate, it really is as easy as sand, solder, done.
Just pick your driver and be happy.
The m10 is a great light, small, good output, solid tail stander, fitting a driver that removes the blinkies and makes the drive current more acceptable makes this the perfect light for me.
I thought the M10a was just the "kit" including the batteries and charger. I think this was brought up previously (some time ago). Here's a link to a Google translation of a German page and I see it shows differences between the M10 and M10a (including U2 emitter).
I have a 20mm U3 star coming, and I ordered that 17mm 4 amp driver, so with your tutorial, I will give it a go, when it appears…Thanks
Yes, I had done a translation on the German link. I had found another, somewhere, that actually indicated that the M10a, was a tad longer than the M10, so it must be somewhat structurally different. I will see if I can find it, again…
Could be Gary, I’ve got two now and no indication of u2, one kit, one bare light, perhaps ordering from keygos themselves would net a u2.
Flomotion, go for it, its an easy mod, difficult to get wrong and nets a real nice light, small enough to pocket, plenty of light and acceptable throw, make sure you have good 26650 cells, the keygos cells just don’t seem to cope like king Kong’s do, yeah, you’ve no high current protection, but the driver does the low voltage flash warning at 3v or just won’t hit high if your close to recharging - cell drops below 3v and sends the driver into low voltage warning.
Keygos.com only has one M10 version on their site.
I just contacted the vendor, go_market, and asked him. I will post his response…
Would it be really crass to suggest that they may be having u2 stamped on xm-l stars?
As I say, I have a few u2/u3 stars from a few venders, none say anything other than xm-l….
Why would a light off eBay be more specific than a star from lck-led or intloutdoor?